
2024 © Federico Madeddu Giuntoli


medium size objects

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“Stick for the signaling of an ongoing and never ending process of inner integration” / “Bastone per la segnalazione di un processo di integrazione interiore tuttora attivo e senza termine” / 2022 / 63x40x15 cm / paper, wood, plastic, ceramic, glue

“All is coming” / 2009 / 50x45x9 cm / metal, paper, rubber, glue

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“May I keep being aware of the benevolent nature of adversities” / “Che possa mantenermi consapevole della natura benevolente delle avversità” / 2020 / 37x11x4 cm / paper, wood, plastic, rubber, glue

“Sense of measure that emerges when one channels rather than act” / “Senso di misura che emerge quando si canalizza piuttosto che agire” / 2019 / 19x11x8 cm / wood, paper, glue

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“Two panoramas” / “Due panorami” / 2021 / 34x31x3 cm (diptych) / paper, plastic, tape, glue

“Daily sprouting” / “Germogliare quotidiano” / 2011 / 42x21 cm / paper, glue

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“Device for inner sincerity” / “Dispositivo per la sincerità interiore” / 2020 / 25x24x9 cm / plastic, paper, rubber, glue

“Opening of space as the being relaxes” / “Spazio che si apre quando l’essere si rilassa" / 2020 / 21x28x3 cm / plastic, paper, rubber, metal, glue

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“Contented with what I have” / “Contento di ciò che ho” / 2018 / 75x53x32 cm / plastic, paper, tape

“Opening toward the Essential” / “Apertura verso l’Essenziale” / 2019 / 108x20x15 cm / paper, rubber, glue

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“Tiny votive stele at the side of my path” / “Piccola stele votiva al bordo del mio cammino” / 2020 / 26x20x8 cm / plastic, rubber, paper, glue

“Every day unfolds and reveals itself” / 35x48x60 cm / paper, plastic, metal, wood, glue

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“Don’t withdraw from life, keep on existing” / “Non ritirarti dalla vita, continua ad esistere” / 2019 / 20x14x2 cm / paper, metal, plastic, glue

“Clear words from the Soul I need to listen to” / “Chiare parole dall’Anima che occorre che io ascolti” / 2020 / 28x21x3 cm / paper, plastic, rubber, glue

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“Inner alignment” / “Allineamento interiore” / 2020 / 20x10x10 cm / paper, plastic, glass, glue

“Bro, you can allow yourself to be happy” / “Fratello mio, puoi darti il permesso di essere felice” / 2022 / 20x10x9 cm / metal, paper, tape, glue

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“In modo compassionevole la vita se la ride delle nostre ansie” / “Life compassionately laughs at our anxieties” / 2018 / 28x13x10 cm / plastic, paper, tape, glue

“Deep human need that one’s own best qualities are seen and recognised” / “Profonda e umana necessità che le proprie migliori qualità siano viste e riconosciute“ / 2022 / 31x28x19 cm / plastic, paper, stone, tape, metal, glue

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 “Energetic spark that embodies the essence of being young”  / “Spunto energetico che costituisce l’essenza dell’essere giovani” / 2014 / 35x32 cm / paper, plastic, metal, glue

“Life intended as pilgrimage into the sacred dimension of reality surrounding us” / “Vita intesa come pellegrinaggio nella dimensione sacra della realtà che ci circonda” / 2020 / 21x28x4 cm / paper, tape, metal, glue

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